Crude oil is far from a homogeneous commodity. The unique molecular characteristics of each different source of crude determine how efficiently it will process into a broad range of derivative products, including: Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG), Gasoline, Naphtha, Jet Fuel, Diesel Fuel Oil, Asphalt, Petrochemicals, Plastics, Pharmaceuticals, Detergents, Other Hydrocarbon – Derived Products.

Awareness of movements in demand and prices for crude oil and its products is a key aspect of oil trading.

This is delivered by AA Twin Pillars Ltd global network of offices and operations. Our trading hubs’ close relationships with their regions ensure early awareness of the events and trends that drive demand.

AA Twin Pillars Ltd has wide expertise when it comes to handling oil, and deals in many of its associated products. We understand, analyse and adjust for the variations that occur in oil and product quality.